Digital Media Marketing is NOT Just Social Media

Karen Bigman
3 min readMay 3, 2021

It’s no secret that social media has become one of the most powerful ways for companies to advertise and reach their audiences. Yet there’s more to digital marketing than just posting on social media.

In fact, it’s not even primarily about a post on social media or blogs. Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses the many ways to reach your customers online and offline, including email campaigns, SEO strategies, conversion optimization, paid advertising, and more.

If you’re a Solopreneur, the mere variety of options and channels is overwhelming you. Where do you start? As Steven Covey so famously said, “start with the end in mind.”

What are you trying to achieve for your business? Are you a new company trying to raise awareness? Are you trying to grow your email list? Do you need to drive people to your website to sell them something? Are you a thought leader that is looking for outlets for your voice? By starting with some clear goals and strategies, you can then look at the tactics. Each of the components of Digital Marketing is a tactic that you can use to achieve your goals but there’s no use spending time, money, and energy on something that doesn’t serve your business.

Here’s an example of how you might approach your Digital Marketing Strategy:

Goal: To build brand awareness

Strategy: Drive consumers to your website so you can collect their email addresses and send them a newsletter.


1. Your website should be appealing and “optimized” for SEO. This means creating content that has the words or phrases that your prospective customer uses to search.

2. Create an attractive vehicle for collecting email addresses. Examples include downloadable ebooks or checklists, free webinars that the customer can register for, or a quiz.

3. Use 1 or 2 social media channels to drive customers to your website. Engaging Instagram posts, LinkedIn posts, or videos are examples of content for your Social Media. Use those to direct prospects to your website to collect their ‘free download.’

In this example, you would be using several facets of Digital Marketing:

1. An appealing website

2. Search Engine Marketing by optimizing the words on your website

3. Email Marketing by collecting an email address to connect with the prospect

4. Social Media Marketing to actively engage

As you can well imagine, there are many paths you can take using Digital Media Marketing. There is a myriad of options, using social media is just one. For your business to truly benefit from digital marketing, having a clear strategy is the best place to start.

Trying to figure out the best Digital Strategy for your small business? Schedule a Discovery Session to see how Karen can help!

